We spent the first night at Best Western Inn in Springfield, Missouri. We wanted to get a good night's rest after many stressful days of packing and planning. Uneventful night, except for the small incident with the alarm clock. We were sitting peacefully on the bed, looking over our plans for the next day, when we hear an alarm clock going off. After about 10 minutes, we were getting a bit stressed, to say the least. We assumed it was from the next room, since it seemed to come from that area, so I finally called the front desk to see if they could please do something about it. They confirmed that there was no one in the other room, and that they would go check it out. It started about midnight, so I figured some smartass probably left it on when they checked out. Well, time passed, but the sound persisted. Eventually I could barely hear it, and Idoia brought some ear plugs, so after some discussion about whether we should change rooms or deal with it, we decided to try to just go to sleep. It was then, as we turned off the lights, that Idoia says "Martin, I think it's our own [damn] alarm clock". It turns out she was right. Our own alarm clock had been going off for over an hour, at a volume not too high to be obvious it was ours, but just loud enough to slowly drive one to madness.
Tras varias horas de viaje, decidimos que ya era hora de descansar, así que reservamos en el hotel Best Western Inn de otro Springfield, esta vez en Misuri. Pasamos una noche bastante tranquila, excepto por el pequeño percance que tuvimos con una alarma de despertador... Resulta que sobre las 12 de la noche empezamos a escuchar una molesta alarma que parecía venir de un despertador de la habitación de al lado, por eso, después de diez minutos jurando en arameo (ya sé! somos un poco nerviosos, pero estábamos tan cansados de tanta preparación y tanta mudanza...), Martín decidió llamar a recepción. Nos atendieron muy amablemente y fueron a comprobarlo, viendo que el sonido persistía nos fuimos a la cama, yo con unos tapones (siempre me acompañan...) y Martín parecía que ya no lo oía. Fue en el momento de tumbarme en la cama cuando me di cuenta de que la dichosa alarma era de nuestro despertador!!! Estuvimos una hora desquiciados sin poder dormir por nuestra propia alarma, y luego media hora más por el ataque de risa que tuvimos.....jajajaja.... En fin, la primera anécdota del viaje.
Camino realizado el primer día de viaje
Camino realizado el primer día de viaje
Even if it was your own alarm clock, that doesn't mean there wasn't a dead body in the next room.