Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 24: (27 sept.) Despidiéndonos del Parque de los glaciares / Leaving Glacier behind

Hoy vamos a recorrer la carretera Going to the sun (carretera hacia el sol), parece que hoy el tiempo ha mejorado y podremos hacer parte de ella. Después de nuestro ratito de café y chimenea, nos pusimos en marcha; pararemos en los puntos más destacados. 

After seeing various parts on the east side of Glacier National Park yesterday, today we wanted to take the going to the sun road, the only road which crosses Glacier National Park. It is well known for its beauty, and although we woke up with some clouds, we were anxious to see what it had to offer.

Arroyo Avalanche / Avalanche creek
Martin en Avalanche con su ración doble de café / Me having breakfast at the creek

Esta carretera es la única que atraviesa el Parque y se empezó a construir en 1925 porque la gente empezó a demandar un acceso motorizado al parque; se terminó en 1932 y tiene una recorrido de 84 km. Esta carretera es Monumento Histórico Nacional y Monumento Histórico de ingenieria. Es una pasada pensar cómo la pudieron construir con la maquinaria de la época.  

The road is 53 miles long, but we could only take it about 30 miles, up to Logan's Pass since the rest of the way to St Mary's Pass is closed for the season due to construction. Not only does the road provide beautiful views, but it is also a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. 
The Loop 
Foto hecha por una futura conciudadana ;) / Picture taken by a futur neighbor
Hicimos varias paradas hasta llegar a Logan Pass, no es el final de la carretera, pero ahora mismo están con obras y no dejan pasar más allá. A medida que íbamos subiendo hacía más frío, de hecho, había bastante nieve arriba aunque nada comparado con los 24 metros de nieve que puede haber durante el invierno.

Cascada Bird woman / Bird woman falls

We made several spots along the way to Logan's Pass. Each stop heading towards the top got colder and colder, with the very top of Logan's Pass having quite a bit of snow already at this time of year. Nothing compared to the 80 feet of snow which can pile up there during the winter.

Curva Oberlin / Oberlin Bend

Triple Arches

Logan Pass
Final del trayecto por obras / End of the road
Y después de llegar al final, vuelta por el mismo sitio. Al final no hicimos ninguna caminata porque el tiempo no acompañaba, así que salimos por la misma entrada por la que habíamos entrado al Parque y pusimos rumbo hacia Vancouver!!! Paramos a dormir en Moses lake en un hotel muy mono, el Inn at Moses Lake. 

Once we made it to Logan's Pass, we had to turn around and head back down. We ended up not doing any hikes or anything due to the weather, so we were able to leave fairly early from the park to get started on our final leg to Vancouver! We stopped to sleep at Moses Lake, WA, at the Inn. No welcome sign for Washington... Too dark and decided to not go back to give it another try (we learned our lesson from Arizona).


  1. I'm free! I managed to escape! I even killed one of those bastards on the way out. I'm coming to meet you guys! Stay at Logan's Pass! Wait for me.

    I think they might be following me though. I'll shake 'em. Finally, this hellish nightmare is over. Viva humans!
